Useless Cowards

Useless Cowards

Estimated publish date: 1.5.2025
Price estimation: 50 €
Design: Hannu Uusitalo
Artist: Kim Paqvalin
Game time: 2-4 h

Useless Cowards is a ruleset for tabletop miniature wargaming (i.e. you will need miniatures to play). In the game players take on the roles of condottieri/mercenary captains, leading their armies on the Italian battlefield. This ruleset contains rules and army lists for Italian peninsula warfare in three periods starting from the arrival of foreign companies in the mid 14th century and ending to the beginning of 16th century when gunpowder weapons started to dominate battlefields.

These rules are designed to appeal to all types of wargamers, from dedicated tournament players to those who enjoy historical re-fights, as well as everyone in between. 


The game box contains following components:

  • 1 Rulebook
  • 26 initiative markers
  • 80 command point markers
  • 1 measuring stick
  • Rout card deck
  • Battle strategy cards


Our current estimation for publishing date is somewhere mid April – early May. If you want to make a preorder and reserve a copy (a non-binding pre-order), just send an email to and we will contact you after we know the final price and publishing date.